As Royal Rumble 2025 approaches, Wrestlemania season looms near. I don’t know about you, but this years Mania card is hard to predict.
Month: March 2023

Wresting Hobbies – OWP 81

Refs and the 3-count – OWP 80

Brock Lesnar Vs Bobby Lashley – OWP 79
Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Lashley is the match we all wanted for Wrestlemania. What we got was something less then. Oh what could have been…

Wrestling Buddies – OWP 78
It’s important to honor friendships. Wrestling buddies are hard to come by and when you are in the squared circle, you need friends.

Heel Shit – OWP 77
Being a heel is the most liberating character direction in professional wrestling. Get over by any means necessary!

Unexpected WWE Legends – OWP 76
Looking back on their careers, who are some WWE Legends you never would have thought would be at the top of the industry?