WWE Wrestling Themes are bad now. The era of Jim Johnston themes is legendary, leaving this current crop severely lacking in personality.
Oh, Wrestling Staff

Championship Reign – OWP 59
What’s a better championship reign? A 16-time world champ, or a 1-time champ with 16 successful title defenses? One’s a bigger loser…

Cody, and Paul, and Sami! Oh MY OWP 58
Cody, and Paul, and Sami! Oh my! The Universal Championship scene is getting muddy as Cody Rhodes and Paul Herman try to make it interesting,

Jobber, Worker, Headliner Part 1 – OWP 57
We start a new game, Jobber, Worker, Headliner! Let’s break down wrestlers who fall into each category going into Wrestlemania!

Elimination Chamber Go Home Ep – OWP 56
Time for our Elimination Chamber Go Home Episode a head of tonight’s WWE Smackdown! Who are you hoping wins each chamber match?

The Miz Appreciation – OWP55
Time for our “The Miz Appreciation” episode. WWE’s own homegrown success story. Regardless of how you feel about him, you can’t deny him.

The Miz & Wrestling Gatekeepers – OWP54
Time to talk about The Miz and other wrestling gatekeepers. The men and women who help put over new and returning talent.