Holy crap! TNA Champion Jordynne Grace VS NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez at NXT Battleground! THE DOOR IS OPEN!
Oh, Wrestling Staff

The Daddy/Daughter Show – OWP Ep17
What happens when you put a 6 year old in front of the mic? You get the Daddy/Daughter episode of the Oh, Wrestling Podcast!

Great Retired Wrestlers – OWP Ep16
It’s a sad day when your favorite wrestlers becomes a retired wrestlers. I’m so old, all my favs are on the shelf. 10Min Wrestling Podcast!

What is the Best Royal Rumble? – Oh, Wrestling Podcast Ep15
Time for 10 minutes of wrestling babble. What is the Best Royal Rumble ever? I have ideas. What’s your pick?

Where’s the Hurt Business? – Oh, Wrestling Podcast Ep14
Let’s ten 10 minutes and discuss he Hurt Business and their inevitable return. Wait, is it inevitable? We just want it.

Who is over? – Oh, Wrestling Podcast Ep13
Let’s take 10 minutes and talk about who is over in pro wrestling. For you, what wrestlers are killing it?