Today I ask the age old question. What makes your favorite wrestler so damn special? What special “it” factor do they possess?

Wrestling Buddies – OWP 78
It’s important to honor friendships. Wrestling buddies are hard to come by and when you are in the squared circle, you need friends.

Heel Shit – OWP 77
Being a heel is the most liberating character direction in professional wrestling. Get over by any means necessary!

Unexpected WWE Legends – OWP 76
Looking back on their careers, who are some WWE Legends you never would have thought would be at the top of the industry?

Wrestling Tropes – OWP 75
Wrestling is one big trope made up of thousands of little ones. Time to cover a few wrestling tropes I find entertaining.

Questionable Booking – OWP 74
There is some questionable booking going on. The setup to some of these Wrestlemania matches feels like they will have…no chance…

What is the WWE Hall of Fame? OWP 73
With the legend Rey Mysterio headed to the WWE Hall of Fame, I had to stop and wonder what the HoF is exactly.