The Oh, Wrestling podcast returns with thoughts on the Raw on Netflix debut. The Rock confused us, Hogan was booed, and Cena was seen.

Women’s Division GOAT – OWP 68
Who is the Women’s Division GOAT? Tough question. I have no answers, but let’s talk about for about 10 mins.

Karrion Kross and Bray Wyatt – OWP 61
Karrion Kross and Bray Wyatt were both huge 2022 pickups for WWE Creative, but things haven’t paned out for both as we hoped.

Jobber, Worker, Headliner Part 1 – OWP 57
We start a new game, Jobber, Worker, Headliner! Let’s break down wrestlers who fall into each category going into Wrestlemania!

The Miz & Wrestling Gatekeepers – OWP54
Time to talk about The Miz and other wrestling gatekeepers. The men and women who help put over new and returning talent.

Amazing Gimmick Matches – OWP Ep 47
Who doesn’t love amazing gimmick matches? I will tell you who does. Pro wrestlers. Some love them so much they specialize in them!

2023 Elimination Chamber Chat – OWP Ep 43
Let’s talk about the upcoming 2023 Elimination Chamber matches. Men and women collide in a giant steel coliseum. Oh, the spectacle!