With the announcement of the new Women’s title, the question on everyone’s mind is, who will be crowned the innagrual Women’s U.S. Champion?
WWE Smackdown
Jobber, Worker, Headliner Part 1 – OWP 57
We start a new game, Jobber, Worker, Headliner! Let’s break down wrestlers who fall into each category going into Wrestlemania!
Elimination Chamber Go Home Ep – OWP 56
Time for our Elimination Chamber Go Home Episode a head of tonight’s WWE Smackdown! Who are you hoping wins each chamber match?
New Women’s Championship – OWP Ep 50
The WWE Women’s Division needs a new Women’s Championship for everyone not chasing the top titles. Let’s brainstorm a new title!
2023 Elimination Chamber Chat – OWP Ep 43
Let’s talk about the upcoming 2023 Elimination Chamber matches. Men and women collide in a giant steel coliseum. Oh, the spectacle!
Royal Rumble Recap – OWP Ep 42
The Royal Rumble is done and we are on the road to Wrestlemania. Let’s talk about wrestling’s best event of the year!
WWE2k23 and the Best Wrestling Game Match Types – OWP Ep37
With rumors of WWE 2k23 launching March 17th 2023, let’s talk about the best match types in wrestling games!